The leadership of the
Sewell Mountain Sailing Association
Bob Rodak, Commodore
The Commodore shall preside at all meetings of the Organization and of the Executive Committee. The Commodore may appoint standing or temporary committees as may be desired, with the exception of the Race Committee. In addition, the Commodore may determine and/or alter the duties of the officers, provided the same is approved by the Executive Committee.
Cindi Ruckpaul, Vice Commodore
More to come…
Beth Kyle Ramsey, Secretary
The Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of all meetings and of the business transacted, and handle all correspondence delegated by the Commodore.
Kathy Stonemark, Treasurer
The Treasurer shall have charge of all the money belonging to the Association, and shall keep an accurate account of all monies received and expended, and of the status of membership dues.
Bob Richards, Harbor Master
The Harbor Master shall be responsible for the duties assigned to him by the Commodore and shall supervise and maintain boats and other equipment belonging to the Association.
Mike Todd, Assistant Harbor Master
Scott Midle, Assistant Harbor Master
Bob Richards, Youth Sailing Program Director
The Directors of the Youth Sailing Program shall plan and conduct the Association's youth sailing schools at Corliss Pond and Summersville Lake.